
Ich hab' Mein Sach' auf Nichts gestellt, Michalis Pichler, photogravure, 2009

Saturday, 4 September to Sunday, 31 October 2010
at Shandy Hall, the former home of writer Laurence Sterne

The Laurence Sterne Trust and Information as Material are proud to announce a major exhibition of ‘conceptual writing.’ Unfolding around Craig Dworkin’s book collection, the show features work by Edwin Abbott Abbott, Walter Abish, Vito Acconci, Kathy Acker, Bruce Andrews, Guillaume Apollinaire, Antonin Artaud, Paul Auster, John Baldessari, JG Ballard, Fiona Banner, Georges Bataille, derek beaulieu, Samuel Beckett, Dodie Bellamy, Hans Bellmer, Caroline Bergvall, Jen Bervin, Nayland Blake, Giovanni Boccaccio, Riccardo Boglione, Maurice Blanchot, Christian Bök, Jorge Luis Borges, Alastair Brotchie, Pavel Büchler, Paul Buck, William S. Burroughs, John Cage, Sophie Calle, Miguel De Cervantes, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Elisabeth S. Clark, Steven Clay, Carlo Collodi, Joseph Conrad, Coracle Press, Daniel Defoe, Charles Dickens, Craig Dworkin, Michael Farion, Robert Fitterman, Gustave Flaubert, Sigmund Freud, Edward Gibbon, Allen Ginsberg, Mary Godolphin, Kenneth Goldsmith, Douglas Gordon, Rodney Graham, Brion Gysin, Lucy Harrison, Ernest Hemingway, Eugène Ionesco, Sarah Jacobs, Peter Jaeger, Alfred Jarry, James Joyce, On Kawara, Emma Kay, Arnold Kemp, Arnold Kemp, Jack Kerouac, Sharon Kivland, Richard Kostelanetz, Joseph Kosuth, Jacques Lacan, Sherrie Levine, Sol Le Witt, Gareth Long, John McAndrew, John McDowall, Stéphane Mallarmé, W. H. Mallock, Michael Maranda, Harry Mathews, Herman Melville, Yukio Mishima, Simon Morris, Scott Myles, Friedrich Nietzsche, George Orwell, Peter Osborne, Georges Perec, Tom Phillips, Michalis Pichler, Vanessa Place, Simon Popper, Ezra Pound, Marcel Proust, Karen Reimer, Gerhard Richter, Kim Rosenfi eld, Jerome Rothenberg, Raymond Roussel, Dirk Rowntree, Ed Ruscha, Klaus Scherübel, Peter Schlemihl, Yann Sérandour, William Shakespeare, Robert Smithson, Daniel Spoerri, Gertrude Stein, Laurence Sterne, Chris Taylor, Carolyn Thompson, Nick Thurston, Alison Turnball, herman de vries, Lawrence Weiner, Darren Wershler, Robert Williams, Wilf Williams, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Greville Worthington.

-    ! 3-5 September 2010
KW Institute for Contemporary Art
Auguststraße 69
10117 Berlin

Opening hours:
Friday, September 3, 3 – 7 pm
Saturday & Sunday, September 4 & 5, noon – 7 pm

2nd Cannons, Los Angeles | AKV, Berlin | Anita Di Bianco, Berlin/New York | Archive Books, Berlin/Turin | Archive of Modern Conflict, London | argobooks, Berlin | Barbara Wien Wilma Lukatsch, Berlin | Bartleby & Co., Brussels | Boekie Woekie, Amsterdam | Book Works, London | Chicago – Times – Plotter [...] Paper – Libertine – Trixie, Vienna | documentation céline duval, Houlgate | Edie Fake, Chicago | Edition Patrick Frey, Zurich | Erik Steinbrecher, Berlin | Eva Weinmayr, London | Fucking Good Art, Rotterdam | GAGARIN, Antwerp | GRAPHIC, Seoul | Half Letter Press/Temporary Services, Chicago | Mediabus, Seoul | Michael Baers, Berlin | Michalis Pichler/"greatest hits", Berlin | Mladen Stilinovic, Zagreb | Mörel Books, London | no press/derek beaulieu, Calgary | Piktogram/Bureau of Loose Associations, Warsaw | Regency Arts Press Ltd., New York | Revolver Publishing, Berlin | Roma Publications, Amsterdam | Samandal, Beirut | Space Poetry, Copenhagen | Spector Books, Leipzig | Sternberg Press, Berlin/New York | The Green Box, Berlin | Torpedo Press, Oslo | Ugly Duckling Presse,New York |(un)limited store, Marseille | urban art info, Berlin | Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne | Vitamine Creative Space, Beijing | Weproductions, Deuchar Mill, Yarrow | Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., Ljubljana | ZINE'S MATE, Tokyo


3-5 September 2010
KW Institute for Contemporary Art
Auguststraße 69
10117 Berlin

Opening hours: 
Friday, September 3, 3 – 7 pm
Saturday & Sunday, September 4 & 5, noon – 7 pm

Newpaper Research & Reading Room // 17.07. - 27.07.2010, Mit konzeptuellen Publi
-    !  

Newpaper Research and Reading Room


July 17 – 27 2010

Vernissage Friday, July 16th 2010,7pm

ARTISTS' NEWSPAPERS TALK by Eleanor Vonne Brown Friday, July 16th 2010,8pm

Pavillon am Milchhof // Schwedter Straße 232 // Berlin Mitte

Eleanor Vonne Brown and Michalis Pichler will put together a Newpaper Research & Reading Room gathering conceptual publications and/or artpieces that use form or content of newspapers, including works by:

Pierre Olivier Arnaud, Michael Baers, Fiona Banner, Derek Beaulieu, Erick Beltran, Anita DiBianco, Eleanor Vonne Brown, Matt Bryans, Gordon Cheung, Claude Closky, chto delat, Mirtha Dermisache, Brad Downey, Peter Downsborough, documentation celine duval, Jacob Fabricius (ed.), Hans-Peter Feldmann, Stephen Gill, Kenneth Goldsmith, Matthew Geller, David Greg Harth, Hildegard Karnath, David Keating, Jerry Kearns, Adrian Lee, Goshka Macuga, Mark Manders, Mark McGowan, Hugh Mendes, Jochem Hendricks, Michael Landy, Gustav Metzger, Carol Morley, Uriel Orlow, Michalis Pichler, Peter Piller, James Prez, Elizabeth Price, Javier Rodriguez, Allen Ruppersberg, Helke Sander, Karin Sander, Guy Schraenen (ed.), Tony Swain, Vibeke Tandberg, Zefrey Throwell, Anke te Heesen, Wolfgang Tillmans, Sue Tompkins, Kat Topaz, (U)LS, Günter Wallraff, Eric Watier, Eva Weinmayr, The Yes Men.

Newpaper Research & Reading Room

July 17 – 27 2010

Vernissage Friday, July 16th 2010,7pm

ARTISTS' NEWSPAPERS TALK by Eleanor Vonne Brown Friday, July 16th 2010,8pm

Pavillon am Milchhof // Schwedter Straße 232 // Berlin Mitte

Eleanor Vonne Brown and Michalis Pichler will put together a Newpaper Research & Reading Room gathering conceptual publications and/or artpieces that use form or content of newspapers, including works by:


Bilderserie, fotografiert auf der Stadtautobahn (A100) und der Avus Berlin (A115), während der letzten Fussball-WM im Juli 2006.

Im Zentrum der teilweise verhuschten Bilder, die alle aus dem fahrenden Auto aufgenommen wurden, stehen abgebrochene Auto-Flaggen, die derzeit gerade wieder Hochkonjunktur erleben, und auch aktuell deutschlandweit die Strassenränder der Autobahnen säumen.

street reading

A short course on concepts of artists’ publications

Wednesday 9th June 2010, 7pm – 8.30pm
Talk starts 7.10pm
Fee £2.50 per talk, pay on the night

# 10: APPROPRIATION with guest speaker Michalis Pichler

It appears to me, that the signature of the author, be it an artist, cineast or poet, seems to be the beginning of the system of lies, that all poets, all artists try to establish, to defend themselves, I do not know exactly against what. M.B.

Related material

“The Page”

Curated by John Stezaker and Matthew Higgs

May 20 through July 16, 2010

Opening Reception Wednesday, May 19, from 6 to 8 pm

Tom Burr, Anne Collier, Shannon Ebner, Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda, Wade Guyton, Richard Hawkins, Matthew Higgs, Judy Linn, Sara MacKillop, Michalis Pichler, Nick Relph, Tim Rollins & K.O.S., Paul Sietsema, Frances Stark, Dirk Stewen, John Stezaker, Rirkrit Tiravanija

street reading, Times Square, Michalis Pichler, October 14 2003

street reading


A short course on concepts of artists’ publications

Wednesday 9th June 2010, 7pm – 8.30pm
Talk starts 7.10pm
Fee £2.50 per talk, pay on the night


# 10: APPROPRIATION with guest speaker Michalis Pichler

It appears to me, that the signature of the author, be it an artist, cineast or poet, seems to be the beginning of the system of lies, that all poets, all artists try to establish, to defend themselves, I do not know exactly against what. M.B.


Related material

Theory & Practice: Statements on Appropriation

Practice & Theory (‘high’ culture): Der Einzige und sein Eigentum

Practice (‘low’ culture): street reading

Der Einzige und sein Eigentum

Der Einzige und sein Eigentum

Michalis  Pichler, 2009

appropriation/ new vision of the manifest of individual anarchism as published 1844 by Max Stirner under the very same title (The Ego and Its Own). The chapter titles and headers have been maintained, while the main text has been edited down to include first-person-signifiers only, and a lot of white floating around it. layout, typeset and dimensions follow the German version, which has been in print almost unchanged for the last 37 years by Reclam Universal-Bibliothek.

ROOSTING PATTERNS, Michalis Pichler, 2010


click on image


“The Page”
Curated by John Stezaker and Matthew Higgs

May 20 through July 16, 2010

Opening Reception Wednesday, May 19, from 6 to 8 pm

Tom Burr, Anne Collier, Shannon Ebner, Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda, Wade Guyton, Richard Hawkins, Matthew Higgs, Judy Linn, Sara MacKillop, Michalis Pichler, Nick Relph, Tim Rollins & K.O.S., Paul Sietsema, Frances Stark, Dirk Stewen, John Stezaker, Rirkrit Tiravanija


“The use of the page in artists‘s books or for projects within the context of art magazines, for example, is an established genre. However, it is only rarely in this history that these uses of the page have become reflections on the nature of the book, the page or the manuscript itself, or on the particularity of a subjective encounter with this familiar –doubled - space.


Fillip #11 out now

Fillip is a publication of art, culture and ideas released three times a year by the Projectile Publishing Society from Vancouver, British Columbia.

Featuring: Lawrence Rinder, Haris Epaminonda & Jacob Fabricius, Arni Haraldsson, Keith Bormuth, Alex Kitnick, Jamie Hilder, David Berridge, Michalis Pichler, Milena Tomic, Renato Rodrigues da Silva, Gabrielle Moser, Antonia Hirsch, Aaron Peck, Kim Dhillon, Kate Armstrong, Liz Park.