
Stephane Mallarme - Un Coup de Des -brouillon

Time: June 16, 2011 at 5pm to August 6, 2011 at 7pm
Location: Golden Thread Gallery
Street: 84-94 Great Patrick Street
City/Town: Belfast

Curated by Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes

This exhibition will show how reading and interpreting literature is - in diverse ways - at the core of some of the most renowned contemporary artists’ practices: Allotrope, antepress, Julie Bacon, Ecke Bonk, Pavel Büchler, Davide Cascio, Tacita Dean, Cerith Wyn Evans, Maria Fusco, Kenneth Goldsmith, Rodney Graham, Joanna Karolini, Sean Lynch, Simon Morris, Brian O’Doherty, Michalis Pichler,Tim Rollins, Andrea Theis and Eric Zboya.

osloo, Venice Biennial 2011


Location of Osloo
Osloo, San Servolo, Venice, next to
the vaporetto stop
31 May – 1 July, 2011

Public Transport: Vaporetto line 20 departs from Riva degli Schiavoni, San Marco and San Zaccaria stops. The boat ride takes approximately 10 mins. Exit at San Servolo

The book affair, June 2 & 3 at Metricubi, Venice

In the occa­sion of the four days open­ing of 54th edi­tion of the Venice Art Bien­nale, Auto­matic Books presents The Book Affair, a two days of inde­pend­ent art pub­lish­ers fair at Met­ricubi, one of the few inde­pend­ently run exhib­i­tion spaces in Venice. 



0_​100 (Italy, Mil­ano) · Åbäke — Draw­ing Room Con­fes­sions (United King­dom, Lon­don) · AKV Ber­lin (Ger­many, Ber­lin) · And (United King­dom, Lon­don) · Archive Books (Ger­many, Ber­lin) · Auto­matic Books (Italy, Venice) · Blanco (Italy, Reg­gio Emilia) · Boabooks (Switzer­land, Genève) · Book Works ltd (United King­dom, Lon­don) · Cam­illa Can­dida Donzella (Italy, Mil­ano) · Dyn­asty Zine (Greece, Athens) · Florence Loewy (France, Paris) · Gaga — Gagarin Magazine (Bel­gium, Ant­werp) · Grafic Magazine (South Korea, Seoul) · Incer­tain Sens (France, Saint Sen­oux) · Invernomuto — Hun­debiss Records (Italy, Torino) · Jan Van Eyck (The Neth­er­lands, Maastricht) · Kal­eidoskope Press (Italy, Mil­ano) · Mak­ing Do (United King­dom, Lon­don) · Medi­abus — The Book Soci­ety (South Korea, Seoul) · Michalis Pichler (Ger­many, Ber­lin) · Mörel Books (United King­dom, Lon­don) · Mousse Pub­lish­ing — Mousse Magazine (Italy, Mil­ano) · Naivsu­per Book (Ger­many, Ber­lin) · Nieves (Switzer­land, Zurich) · Occulto Magazine — AC Gal­lerie (Ger­many, Ber­lin) · Ono­ma­topee (The Neth­er­lands, Eind­hoven) · Ottaven — Canedicoda (Italy, Vit­torio Ven­eto) · Pogo Books (Ger­many, Ber­lin) · Raw Raw (Italy, Mil­ano) · San Rocco Magazine (Italy, Mil­ano) · Salon für Kun­st­buch (Aus­tria, Vienna) · Temp Stu­dio (Italy, Ber­gamo) · Tom­maso Garner (Italy, Mil­ano) · Tor­pedo Press (Nor­way, Oslo) and Distributor ommu.

June 4th to 11th 2011

June 3rd from 8 pm

Opening hours
Monday to Wednesday, Friday & Saturday from 2 to 6 pm
Thursday from 6 to 10 pm


Beaulieu, Dworkin, Goldsm, Long, Maranda, Morris, Pichler, Place, Popper, Warhol

Was Jorge Luis Borges 1939 in "Pierre Menard, Autor des Quijote" noch imaginierte, ist inzwischen aus der Literatur nicht mehr wegzudenken: Seit den 1950er Jahren, insbesondere in den letzten Jahren, entstehen zunehmend Bücher, für die keine neuen, eigenen Texte mehr produziert werden. Statt dessen werden bereits existierende Texte und gar ganze Bücher re-ediert, das heißt: wiederaufgelegt, aktualisiert, kopiert, neu geordnet, zensiert etc. Im Fall der Appropriation literarischer Werke, der im Workshop besondere Beachtung geschenkt werden soll, werden mit Vorliebe kanonische Texte appropriiert, etwa von Flaubert, Hemingway, Joyce, Mallarmé, Milton, Poe, Puschkin, Shakespeare.

Im Gegensatz zur appropriation art in den 1980er Jahren und zu jüngsten literarischen Plagiatsskandalen hat dies bisher jedoch weder zu stürmischen Erregungen im Kunst- und Literaturbetrieb noch zu einer tiefer gehenden Beachtung in der Wissenschaft geführt. Der Workshop soll das Phänomen erfassen und einen ersten Überblick über seine Bandbreite in historischer, systematischer und komparatistischer Sicht geben.

Mit einer musikalischen Lesung von Michalis Pichler & Rembetiko Kompania Berlin und Beiträgen u.a. von Anne Mœglin-Delcroix (Paris), Michael Glasmeier (Bremen), Stefan Römer (Berlin).

鈴木芳一(Suzuki, Yoshikazu), 銀座八丁(Ginza Haccho), Tokyo 1954


Live Art/Dance

Thu 24 Mar, 6.30pm

£7.00/£5.50 Concs



Rod Dickinson, a visual artist who uses detailed research into moments of the past and present that represent various mechanisms of social control. Rod will draw on his experience to discuss strategies and methods of re-enactment.

The Performance Re-enactment Society who will present a slide show of their work in progress narrative for Salad Dressing, the cover of Crackers.


March 26, 2011
Fernisering / Opening 18.00-21.00

Tryk Tryk Tryk is an immersive space for conceptual projects, art, activism, workshops, graphic experiments, and more. It combines a shop selling original printed matter from around the world and locally roasted coffee with a print workshop and a schedule of exhibitions.


Ruscha der Fischotter aka: Printed Matter And Other Visible Things On Paper Not Necessarily Meant To Be Viewed As After Ruscha aka: One Hundred Views Of One Hundred Views Of Mount Fuji, If Someone Says So aka: SIX HANDS AND A CHEESE SANDWICH is a book about books, a catalogue and an art/bookwork in its own right.


 follow-ed (after hokusai) is an exhibition curated by Michalis Pichler and Tom Sowden, featuring conceptual artworks, which for the most part use photography, the book form, and are somewhat ruschaish.

click here to see installation views


By now the appropriation and paraphrasing of Ed Ruscha constitutes a genre of its own.

monotone public print


with: Dianne Arndt, Eugènia Balcells, Jean-François Bergez, Bureau d’investigation photographique, Mel Bochner, Stanley Brouwn, Ian Burn, John Byrum, Philippe, Clerc, Roy Colmer, A constructed world, Continuous Project, Andrew Dadson, Eric Doeringer, Patrick Dubrac, FF FW, Judith Fleishman, Michael Gibbs, Sharon, Gilbert, Marie-Ange Guilleminot, Yoko Gunji, Thomas Hirschhorn, Janet Janet, Ben Kinmont, Sean Landers, David Lasnier, Lefevre Jean Claude, Sol Lewitt, Sara Mackillop, Stéphane Magnin, Ross Martin, Jonathan Monk, Antoine Moreau, Jean-Luc Moulène, Patrick Mullins, Louise Odes Neaderland, Richard Olson, Blaise Parmentier, Michalis Pichler, David Renault, Jean-François Robic, Barbara Rosenthal, Dieter Roth, Temporary Services, Mathieu Tremblin, Ben Vautier, Larry Walczak, Eric Watier.

Custom having once given the name of " the ancients " to our pre-Christian ancestors, we will not throw it up against them that, in comparison with us experienced people, they ought properly to be called children, but will rather continue to honor them as our good old fathers.
