

Un Coup de Dés Jamais N'Abolira Le Hasard (A Throw of the Dice will Never Abolish Chance) is a book by Michalis Pichler published 2008/09 in Berlin. The work is a close copy of the 1914 edition of the french symbolist poet Stéphane Mallarmé's poem of the same name, but with all the words cut out by laser, in a way that corresponds directly to the typographic layout used by Mallarmé to articulate the text*.

El Ahijado

Alterna y Corriente, Mexico City

August 7 2009

Paola de Anda
Amanda Gutiérrez
Begoña Morales

Tania Candiani
Enrique Ježik
Ivan Edeza

Edgar Orlaineta
Michalis Pichler
Misaki Kawabe

Ichiro Irie
Marissa Magdalena
Elyse Reardon-Jung

Andrés Basurto
Laura Ortiz
Abraham Jiménez

Nathalie Regard
Erika Harrsch
Jonathan Scott

Sometimes thou seem’st not as thyself alone,
But as the meaning of all things that are;
A breathless wonder, shadowing forth afar
Some heavenly solstice hushed and halcyon;
Whose unstirred lips are musics visible tone;
Whose eyes the sun-gate of the soul unbar,
Being of its furthest fires oracular;-
The evident heart of all life sown and mown.
Even such Love is; and is not thy name Love?
Yea, by thy hand the Love-god rends apart
All gathering clouds of Night’s ambiguous art;
Flings them far down, and sets thine eyes above;


3 July - 6 September 2009, Badischer Kunstverein
Opening: Thursday, 2 July 2009. 7 p.m.

Curated by AA Bronson

press release:

Learn to Read Art: A History of Printed Matter features a selection of artists’ books and editions from the history of the independent, non-profit organization Printed Matter in New York. The exhibition was curated by AA Bronson and is the first presentation outside of the USA and Canada. We are extremely pleased that AA Bronson will be present at the opening and that he will introduce his selection for the Badischer Kunstverein!

Working Drawings and Other Visible Things on Paper Not Necessarily Meant To Be Viewed

The title is a paraphrase of Mel Bochners landmark project from 1966 as organized with the SVA. The last two words "As Art" have been omitted from the title.

The publication has 194 pages, was photocopied in an edition of 600 on the photocopiers of the cneai, Chatou (mostly on a Toshiba e-studio 210c, but also a konica 2223 and a Toshiba e-studio 120), handsorted, and bound in a Parisian copyshop.

First book launch: May 2nd 2008, from 8-11pm at basso, Koepenicker Strasse 187-188, Berlin 10997.


Old News 4

Opening Reception:Saturday, April 5th 7-9 PM
Curatorial Presentation by Jacob Fabricius, Thursday, April 3rd 7PM

John Stezaker, Stolen Sky, 1976

Rodeo Gallery, Istanbul

May 30 – July 11, 2009

Opening: Friday, May 29 // 19:00 – 21:00

Banu Cennetoglu
Documentation Céline Duval
Michalis Pichler
Walid Raad/ The Atlas Group
Helke Sander
John Stezaker
Eva Weinmayr

press release by Sylvia Kouvalis (Rodeo Gallery)

This exhibition has been worked out in a structured manner. Michalis Pichler and Eva Weinmayr were invited to invite two artists that work on the same line with them.


FAX invites a multigenerational group of artists, as well as architects, designers, scientists and filmmakers, to conceive of the fax machine as a tool for thinking and drawing. Although the technology for transmitting printed images and texts over distance dates from the nineteenth century—a machine by Scottish mechanic Alexander Bain patented in 1843—it was the introduction of the modern fax through commercially available machines in the 1970s that turned facsimiles into a ubiquitous communications medium for international business.

Sometimes thou seem’st not as thyself alone,
But as the meaning of all things that are;
A breathless wonder, shadowing forth afar
Some heavenly solstice hushed and halcyon;
Whose unstirred lips are musics visible tone;
Whose eyes the sun-gate of the soul unbar,
Being of its furthest fires oracular;-
The evident heart of all life sown and mown.
Even such Love is; and is not thy name Love?
Yea, by thy hand the Love-god rends apart
All gathering clouds of Night’s ambiguous art;
Flings them far down, and sets thine eyes above;

from november 22 2008 until january 8 2009

AFTER... :

Boris Achour, Olivier Babin, Carsten Höller, Thomas Lélu & Jean-Max Colard, Mathieu Mercier, Jonathan Monk, Olivier Mosset, Guillaume Paris, Michalis Pichler, Xavier Theunis

gdm, galerie de multiples
17, rue Saint Gilles 
75003 Paris
du mardi au samedi
de 11h à 19h
+33 (0)1 48 87 21 77

2 Multiples by Michalis Pichler are launched on occasion of the exhibition:

Pizza sells to moma

product of the day: Red, White & Blue Box

this limited and signed multiple compilation comes in a cardboard Pizza Box, featuring NY-related publications.

number 8 of 60 was recently acquired by the MOMA, NY.